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Small Ways to Make Big Changes to the Climate Crisis

Small Ways to Make Big Changes to the Climate Crisis


Small Ways to Make Big Changes to the Climate Crisis

Climate change is currently an unavoidable fact of life; as global temperatures climb, extreme weather conditions increase worldwide, and sea levels continue to rise. We all care about the planet, but in the wake of these vast effects, adopting a sustainable lifestyle can often seem overwhelming and perhaps even a little futile. But it doesn’t have to be. There are many steps we can all take in our everyday lives to help make a difference – from the smallest of changes in what you buy, to a little extra planning when it comes to cooking dinner. Here are some easy, but potentially planet-saving changes you can make:



Swap to a bamboo toothbrush to minimise plastic waste. These toothbrushes are not only made of bamboo, they also come free from any wasteful plastic packaging. You can now find them in almost all major supermarkets and chemists. There are also bamboo electric toothbrushes available too.

You can also substitute your tubes of toothpaste for completely plastic-free toothpaste tablets. Simply chew, brush and rinse.


Say goodbye to crappy disposable razors, and hello to safety razors. Made from various metals and alloys, these are sleek, fully recyclable and completely plastic-free. Billions of plastic razors end up in landfill sites every year1, so not only will this switch look more stylish, you’ll be well on your way to a plastic-free bathroom routine.


These multipurpose items are one of the most problematic litter items found on beaches across the world2. Try compostable bamboo buds, or reusable silicone buds.


Still a somewhat taboo subject, yet an incredible opportunity to make a difference to your waste. Over the course of a lifetime, a single menstruator will use somewhere between 5 and 15 thousand pads and tampons – which nearly all ends up in landfill3. There are a few alternatives out there so have a look around and see what might be right for you.

Sustainable pads are made out of plant fibres or organic cotton, with zero plastic waste. Reusable cloth pads and period pants are also all the rage. So many brands are now rolling these out that it’s not hard to find comfy, sexy and absorbent options. Then there’s the menstrual cup, also known as mooncups or organicups. These are the ultimate way of reducing our period waste, as one cup can last you up to 10 years! They’re a healthy, comfy, money and planet-saving winner!


Look for eco-friendly recycled toilet paper. There are plenty on the market, just check the label next time you are in the supermarket.


It takes makeup wipes years to break down in landfill4, so try one of the many, eco-friendly alternatives: reusable makeup remover pads, washable wipes, or microfiber cloths.



Stop buying planet-polluting cling film, and invest in beeswax wraps. Buy your wraps with a beeswax stick so you can replenish and they’ll last even longer.


Cut down food waste by planning your meals throughout the week. There are now several great apps that can help you not only plan your weekly meals, but give you great ideas for what to do with your leftovers. Good for the bank account as well as the planet.


Unfortunately meat production really is one of the biggest causes of greenhouse gas emission. Reduce your meat intake where you can, perhaps limit yourself to once or twice a week, or special occasions. Buy local if you have the option to do so, to reduce transportation fumes, and mass plastic packaging.


Another opportunity to buy local produce when you can. Or even better, start growing your own! 



There are several alternatives now available to replace liquid and powder detergents. Neither of these are particularly good for the environment (although plastic bottles of detergent are slightly better as long as the bottles are recyclable). Why not try soap nuts or eco strips as a more sustainable option? 


Try to say ‘no’ to fast fashion, it’s an enormously wasteful industry. Try buying second-hand, patch old clothes or buy high-quality garments that will last longer. Be discerning with where you shop, and check to see if they pay their workers well, have local supply chains and use sustainably sourced materials.


Many supermarkets and organic shops now have refill stations, where you can replenish anything from shampoo to dog treats, soap to peanuts. Simply take your existing glass or (recyclable) plastic bottle or container to your local refill station, and dispense the amount you want. 

Well that’s it! Lots of food for thought here I hope. And I’m sure there are many, many more eco-friendly methods and substitutes out there. Think of the difference you could make by switching out any one of these items or habits, by making just a simple change to your routine or weekly shop. And once you’ve tried some of these solutions and realised how great they are (I hope), spread the word! Tell your housemate, tell your sister, tell your grandma. Encourage them to make the changes you’ve made. And together we can all make a difference.


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From Corsets to Bra-Burning, Dignity to Freedom: Changing Attitudes Towards Bras

From Corsets to Bra-Burning, Dignity to Freedom: Changing Attitudes Towards Bras

BY CHARLOTTE FREEMAN-HALL | Jan 11, 2022 | Articles

From Corsets to Bra-Burning, Dignity to Freedom: Changing Attitudes Towards Bras

For women in the 21st century, the bra can signify many things. For some it is a necessity, for others a sign of femininity. Some women wear one as a means of comfort, or dignity, whilst others see it as a tool of male objectification. Overall, it is now widely considered a woman’s choice as to whether she wears a bra or not, and indeed what type of bra she wears. But it wasn’t always this way.

The bra, its usage, design and symbolism have come a long way over the centuries. They have been worn throughout history to support, conceal, modify, enhance, restrain and even reveal breasts. And this journey is closely interwoven not only with the evolution of fashion, but with changing views of the female body and the evolution of the status of women in society.

So, it’s unsurprising that our decision to wear or not wear a bra nowadays is inextricably linked not only with our levels of physical comfort, but with our perceived ideas of feminism, freedom, and objectification by men.


Bra-like items have likely been around from as early as the 14th century BC. By the 16th century AD, the corset was the main undergarment worn in the Western world. This had a number of functions, from shaping the waist and breasts, to supporting them by transferring weight to the rib cage. These garments gradually evolved into items more closely resembling the modern-day bras in the 20th century.

But it was second-wave feminism and ‘bra-burning’ that brought the bra into the public’s eye. At the Miss America protest in 1968, protestors symbolically threw a number of feminine products, including bras, into a ‘Freedom Trash Can’.

The bra had come to be seen by the Feminist movement as an ‘instrument of female torture’, a symbol of enforced femininity by a patriarchal society. Some people present at the protest said no one burned a bra, some claim that lingerie was burned, if only briefly.  While many feminists state they didn’t burn bras that day, countless women stopped wearing them in protest.

The stories and the reporting from that day have forever linked feminism with bra-burning, a link that has remained in popular culture until this day.

As a result of the 1968 protest, an anti-bra movement took hold. Conversation around the bra became more public than ever before, with many complaining of the restrictive and uncomfortable designs of bras, as well as seeing them as a symbol of repression. Women chose not to wear bras as a political statement, to shock and anger the men dominating society, and to take back ownership of their bodies.


Women all over the world now choose not to wear bras for all kinds of reasons – defiance, discomfort, freedom, or just to embrace their natural bodies.

However, a large majority of women continue to feel that they have to wear bras, particularly when going to work.


Our cultural history has hyper-sexualised breasts to the extent that modern women feel self-conscious and even embarrassed when the natural shape of this body part becomes visible. And due to the largely male majority still present in many organisations, the female body is still seen as a ‘distraction’ at work.

Although some women manage to overcome these gender biases and go bra-free at work, many still feel the need to make their natural female curves as unnoticeable and non-distracting to their male colleagues as possible.


Bra-wearing should purely be down to woman’s choice. For those who feel that bras are a discomfort, especially if you are having to wear them all day long, they should be able to discard these garments without judgement.

But for many women, wearing a bra is still how they feel most comfortable, both at work and outside of it. Wearing a bra can provide a sense of dignity and self-care, feelings that should be encouraged in all women. It’s all about choice, empowering women to decide what’s best for them.

And if wearing a bra makes a woman feel sexy or confident, then that’s great too.

Of course, going braless is not an option for everyone. Women with larger breasts can often suffer from back and other problems if they don’t wear a comfortable, supportive and well-fitted bra. Bras can also greatly help with pre-menstrual tenderness, and other breast-related discomforts.

As bra manufacturing has evolved, it has become far easier to find underwear that doesn’t pinch, rub or chafe, especially when properly fitted. Making it easier and more comfortable for women to wear bras throughout the workday if they so desire.

It’s all about female agency and independent choice. Women should be able to choose and wear what feels right for them.

And this is where we come in. Support the Girls Australia is an association dedicated to empowering women, to helping provide them with dignity and independence, and to ensuring their wellbeing. A large aspect of our work is community outreach, and we are perhaps best-known for our bra gifting events.

Not all women have access to, or the means to buy, well-fitting bras, and at our bra-gifting days we provide women with free bra-fitting sessions, bras and underwear, as well as toiletries, and menstrual hygiene products.

The aim is to provide women with often much-needed essential items, to provide an ear to listen, and a helping hand. We aim through this to instil a sense of self-worth and self-care, as well as help provide for their physical wellbeing.

We want women everywhere to be able to embrace their bodies, and make the choices that are best for them. And we are here to help them do that.


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What is the Outreach Project?

What is the Outreach Project?

STGA are committed to supporting women by providing basic needs, connecting with them via conversations, and to support by connecting them to the right services. The Outreach Project is not just about giving away bras and toiletries, it is about working alongside...

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The Inspiring Faces of Sponsorship

BY HANNAH CIRSON | feb 3, 2022 | NEWSWhat better way to epitomise STGA than the face of inspiring Aussie wom*n! From the talented stables of the Thoughtful Gift Shop team, comes the ‘Inspirational Aussie Women’ range that donates $5 directly to STGA for every item...

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Small Ways to Make Big Changes to the Climate Crisis

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Navigating Boundaries during the Holiday Season

Navigating Boundaries during the Holiday Season


Navigating Boundaries during the Holiday Season

The holiday season is the best part of the year for some people, but for others it can stir up a lot of uncertainty. Perhaps you and your parents/guardians don’t get along or, you know that some family issues may be brought up that could result in an argument, or maybe there is someone in your family circle that makes you uncomfortable. 

As the holidays draw closer, I find myself almost dreading spending days on end with my family, and what feels like no way to escape. Being around certain members of my own family causes me a lot of anxiety. This can have a lasting effect on my mental health and how I interact with other people in my life who may not understand why this period is particularly difficult for me.

After another challenging year, it’s safe to say that there are many people who are extremely excited for the quality time they get to spend with loved ones, however, many of us are left feeling drained and anxious just thinking about it.

To be honest, when your family history is complicated, the holiday period can feel extremely… isolating. Seeing other’s post about their happy families can be heartbreaking for some. Almost as if a feeling of grief washes over you, mourning what kind of family others have that you’d always wanted and deserved.

I know how difficult this period can be, and every reason for your worries are valid, so I wanted to share some tips on how to navigate these difficult boundaries in an attempt to not only help myself through yet another rough holiday period, but all of you who struggle with similar issues.


I know this seems cliché, or even like it won’t work, but checking in on yourself to see what you need in the moment can be extremely helpful to making the holidays as easy-going as they can be.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed don’t be afraid to step outside to get some fresh air or call a friend you know might be available to vent to. These things that may seem so small can lift the weight off your shoulders, even for a little bit.

If you find that you’re overthinking a lot, taking the time to write down your feelings or even processing the day’s events through your mind can help to resolve anything that leaves you feeling uncomfortable or sad.


Making a calendar or schedule of your responsibilities and obligations can help to allocate yourself some ‘me time’. When you might go on a drive or spend some time watching a movie to get your mind off anything that may be bothering you.

Doing this will allow you to be able to allocate time to help keep family members happy with your attendance without sacrificing time for yourself and your state of mind. Doing this helps to keep a balance, stopping the stress from consuming you.

Whatever you choose to do, make sure you’re choosing activities you know will calm you down and ground you to the present moment. This looks different for everyone, make sure to evaluate what you really enjoy and try to arrange to do this at some point, it can make a world of a difference.


Families are complicated, that is a fact. For some, more than others but no matter what your family relationships and history is like, your feelings are valid. Don’t forget that. 

So what do you do when your boundaries are crossed or not respected? How do you navigate making sure that they’re being respected whilst also being respectful?

You could try and bring things up in a calm manner, if someone has said or done something to hurt or offend you, try to approach things with a calm tone. You can also try speaking with your sentences saying with “I feel” such as “I feel like I’m worthless when you say these things to me” Often, people respond better and can empathise better when you speak calmly about your feelings.

You can also try removing yourself from the situation. If things are starting to get heated with another family member, it’s okay to say things like “I don’t feel like I’m in the right headspace to speak about this right now, I’m happy to talk about this later after I’ve had some time to calm down”. 

I know that the holiday period can be so overwhelming and frightening but don’t forget that your feelings are valid and that you should never have to sacrifice your wellbeing and happiness to please others.

At the end of the day you have to remember that you are the most important person in your life and if attending family events is going to sacrifice your mental health and wellbeing, it is more than okay to say no or to limit your time with them. Although it can seem daunting, try explaining why you don’t feel comfortable going. Although not everyone will understand your reasoning, you’ll feel a lot better putting yourself first rather than sacrificing pieces of you to please others.

I hope that you get the love and support that you all deserve this holiday season. 


Bra-wearing should purely be down to woman’s choice. For those who feel that bras are a discomfort, especially if you are having to wear them all day long, they should be able to discard these garments without judgement.

But for many women, wearing a bra is still how they feel most comfortable, both at work and outside of it. Wearing a bra can provide a sense of dignity and self-care, feelings that should be encouraged in all women. It’s all about choice, empowering women to decide what’s best for them.

And if wearing a bra makes a woman feel sexy or confident, then that’s great too.

Of course, going braless is not an option for everyone. Women with larger breasts can often suffer from back and other problems if they don’t wear a comfortable, supportive and well-fitted bra. Bras can also greatly help with pre-menstrual tenderness, and other breast-related discomforts.

As bra manufacturing has evolved, it has become far easier to find underwear that doesn’t pinch, rub or chafe, especially when properly fitted. Making it easier and more comfortable for women to wear bras throughout the workday if they so desire.

It’s all about female agency and independent choice. Women should be able to choose and wear what feels right for them.

And this is where we come in. Support the Girls Australia is an association dedicated to empowering women, to helping provide them with dignity and independence, and to ensuring their wellbeing. A large aspect of our work is community outreach, and we are perhaps best-known for our bra gifting events.

Not all women have access to, or the means to buy, well-fitting bras, and at our bra-gifting days we provide women with free bra-fitting sessions, bras and underwear, as well as toiletries, and menstrual hygiene products.

The aim is to provide women with often much-needed essential items, to provide an ear to listen, and a helping hand. We aim through this to instil a sense of self-worth and self-care, as well as help provide for their physical wellbeing.

We want women everywhere to be able to embrace their bodies, and make the choices that are best for them. And we are here to help them do that.


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What is the Outreach Project?

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